10 Reasons Why You Haven't Ordered From Us... Yet

Buying a mattress is not an easy choice… we have an answer to every question you may have, even the ones you haven’t asked yourself yet.

10. Do I really need to change my mattress?

It’s not easy to understand when it’s time to change your mattress.

If you notice one or more cavities while you rest, even though they may seem comfortable, your spine no longer thanks you, it's time for a new mattress.

Generally, the average lifespan of a quality mattress is about 8 years, for a cheap one with low density it is about 2 years.

9. How can I buy a mattress without trying it?

Your body gets used to the new sleep system after a few days, a quick test in the store is not enough to understand if the mattress is right for you.
Before you can judge your new mattress, your body needs to adapt to the change, which is why we give you 100 nights to try it.
You don't have to rush.
Buying online is safe, fast and quick, the mattress arrives directly to your home and you have the possibility to return it.

(can you return the mattress if you buy it in a store? ????)

8. Numerous brands with hundreds of models and endless reviews, is it all true?

We prefer that our customers alone review and rate our products without relying on third-party companies.

Almost all mattress testing sites for sale online are run by "affiliate companies" who are handsomely compensated for their supposed work. Often the supplier with the most money is selected as the winner. In some cases, testing sites are run directly by mattress manufacturers.

For our mattresses we prefer to use only state certifications such as the recognition of "Class 1 Medical Device", orthopedic, with a tax relief of 19% as provided for by current legislation.

7. "The more expensive, the better?"

There is a limit to the production costs of mattresses, even for the higher quality models. Usually the price difference comes mostly from the high advertising costs for the product.

MiaSuite mattresses have a high quality/price ratio because they have no additional costs:

  • TV commercials
  • Online Marketing
  • Storage costs
  • Costs for retail spaces
  • Sales Commissions

6. Is foam really the best material for me?

We tested it, tried it and loved it ❤️ first because foam is a material that has all the qualities that an excellent mattress needs to wake you up at the top:

  • Durable
  • Breathable
  • Elastic
  • Resistant over time
  • Convenient

5. How do you ship the mattress to me?

The mattress is shipped rolled up and vacuum-packed, practically in the shape of a rocket, in a compact and hygienic way, directly to your home wherever you are.

Thanks to the tracking code that will be sent by email, you will be able to check your rocket in real time.

♻️ We also respect the environment as the space-saving packaging reduces CO₂ emissions during transport.

(our rockets run on hydrogen)

4. What if I don't like the MiaSuite mattress?

Don't be hasty, your body needs to adapt to the new sleep system.

If you don't like it, we will immediately take it back within 100 days of purchase, no ifs or buts.

Yes, you heard right, you can test the mattress for 100 nights risk-free.

NB: For further details, see the page dedicated to MiaSuite delivery and return conditions.

3. Is the return complicated?

We are proud of the fact that 97% of sleepers who have chosen MiaSuite are satisfied with the mattress, although returning it is extremely easy: just send an email to info@miasuite.it and we will come to your home to collect it.

2. What happens if my MiaSuite mattress doesn't last long?

We are sure that our mattresses are indestructible, that's why we guarantee it for 15 years!

Only quality and certified materials are used to make MiaSuite mattresses.

1. What if I'm convinced and want to buy a MiaSuite mattress now?

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