Vacuum mattresses: let's find out more!
The widespread use of foam mattresses has led to an exponential increase in mattresses rolled up and sold vacuum-packed . It may seem absurd to be able to fold and remove all the air from an object of such a large size, but this is true. This practice has also made access to mattresses much cheaper and more democratic, significantly reducing transport and storage costs for sellers, with consequent advantages for end buyers as well.
How do you vacuum pack a mattress?
At first glance, it may seem like a titanic task to be able to remove all the air from mattresses, which are notoriously large and heavy. In fact, this would be the case if the appropriate technologies did not exist. The first great help comes directly from the mattresses themselves. In fact, it is the same internal structure of the latest generation foam mattresses that, thanks to their structure of hollow micro-cells filled with air combined with the relative softness and mechanical elasticity of the supports themselves, allows for the vacuum to be obtained. Obviously, none of this would be possible without adequate technological support. Only the best and most up-to-date production plants have the appropriate tools and machinery that make all this possible. The mattress is in fact vacuum-packed, usually by completely automatic machinery that crushes the mattresses thanks to the force of a hydraulic press, and then extracts the excess air as if it were a huge vacuum cleaner. Finally, the same machinery rolls up and wraps the now cylindrical mattress in a double layer of resistant cellophane that isolates it completely from the outside.
Vacuum mattress: the advantages
The main advantage of vacuum-packed mattresses is certainly the hygienic factor . In fact, the protection from any type of external agent such as dust, bacteria, mold and various dirt, in addition to the complete absence of internal air and gases make the vacuum-packed mattress particularly healthy, even in the case of long journeys with couriers following online purchases. In simple words, the same hygienic/sanitary conditions are ensured from the moment of packaging to the moment of opening by the end user.
The ease of transport is certainly another strong point to be attributed to the vacuum mattress. The small size makes the supports particularly easy to handle and practical to transport and store. Imagine having to transport a large double mattress in the car, you would be forced to laboriously secure it to the roof with ropes. Or imagine having to climb the same model up the stairs: it would be a real feat. All this is not only possible, but also particularly simple, thanks to the vacuum technology.
Last but certainly not least, there is the environmental issue . A rolled and vacuum-packed mattress is in fact more ecological than a traditional mattress, so to speak, "open". You are certainly wondering how it is possible for a vacuum-packed mattress to be environmentally friendly. In reality, the answer is simple. Thanks to the particularly reduced space, mattresses take up less space than models transported without this type of precaution. The result is the reduction of emissions into the environment during the transport phases due to the reduction of the means necessary to move the goods themselves.
Vacuum mattress: anything else to mention?
Using a vacuum-packed mattress, you will need to wait for the time necessary for it to regain its original shape in order to use the mattress properly. It is possible to fall asleep on an open mattress after vacuum-packing even after 8 hours. However, the advice is to wait 48/72 hours for the support to fully recover its shape and ideal physical/technical characteristics.
It will also be possible to use this technique exclusively for polyurethane models and not for spring models. Whether they are pocket springs or traditional, the metal structures that make up the inside of mattresses do not allow special machines to vacuum-pack these types of models. In this case, traditional transport and storage methods will therefore be necessary.