How to choose a pillow? Some practical tips...

Choosing the right pillow for you will be a breeze after reading this article.
Together with the bed base and the mattress, the pillow plays a fundamental role in determining the quality of rest. Choosing the right pillow for your needs is therefore extremely important for sleeping peacefully. A good pillow, to be defined as such, must support the head and neck , helping to maintain the spine in the right position , thus promoting a correct breathing and the muscle relaxation .

To avoid creating tension in the cervical area, you should choose a pillow that is neither too soft nor too firm. Instead, you should opt for a model that best fits your shape and that follows your movements at night.

The ideal pillow for everyone does not exist, but to choose the right pillow, as well as for mattresses, the position in which you usually sleep plays a fundamental role. Of course, everything also depends on personal taste, but it is good practice to choose the pillow, and its characteristics, based on your sleeping habits .

Choose based on your sleeping position.
Now imagine that you have to buy a pillow and choose between different models. Which one would you buy?
Generally speaking, for those who usually sleep in a supine position , that is, lying on their back, it is advisable to choose a pillow with a medium height, which therefore supports the curvature of the cervical spine, but which at the same time accommodates the shoulders and neck.

Choosing a higher pillow would be a good idea for those who usually sleep on their side , in order to optimize the alignment between the neck and the spine.
Those who sleep on their stomach should instead opt for a pillow of limited height, so as not to raise their head too much, which should therefore be as close as possible to the level of the mattress.
Finally, for those who suffer from neck pain , the best idea is to choose the double-wave anatomical pillow. The latter, thanks to a depression in the central part, allows the neck muscles to relax, and allows the head to be aligned with the spine.

When to replace the pillow?
If you can’t get a good night’s sleep, your pillow may be the problem.
So how do you know if it's time to choose a new pillow?

The pillow should be replaced if the padding is irregular or if it has bumps and depressions. The loss of the original shape is certainly a symptom of excessive wear.
To see if your pillow is still able to support the weight of your head while sleeping, try folding it in half. Ideally, you should see it return to its original position. If this is not the case, it is too worn out and should be replaced.

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